Code Of Ethics

The wine preference bell curve chart - illustration by Wine Folly

Accurate, Unbiased Content

Maintain high quality, comprehendible wine information

  • Take responsibility for accuracy of content by providing transparency between content and sources.
  • Gather, update, and correct information over time.
  • Credit where due: attribute content with permission and absolutely do not plagiarize.


Independent of influence (corporate, political, or otherwise)

  • Act in the interest of the public (wine consumers).
  • Facts inform consumer choice. Keep authoritative, non-opinion-based content free of bias. Also, label opinionated content clearly.
  • Avoid situations where a conflict of interest (or perception thereof) interferes with quality or integrity of content.
  • Disclose unavoidable conflicts. For example, prominently label sponsored content.


Accountable through transparency

  • Site sources with links so readers can educate themselves beyond the level of detail we offer.
  • Provide authorship and credit where due.
  • Allow readers to ask questions and receive answers.
  • Allow experts to offer new information.

Miles Raymond of Sideways - Illustration by Wine Folly

Wine Placement

You may see wine in our content. We receive samples as well as buy wine for content. Before a wine ends up on our site, we do our best to ensure it accurately represents the goal of the content piece.

Affiliate Links

Some products/services are available through affiliates, meaning Wine Folly earns revenue if you purchase the item. If an affiliate link is available we’ll use it, however we never give preferential treatment to affiliate products.